Tuesday, November 25, 2008

tagGeD taGgeD taGged~~

Tagged by mC

Tag 6 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse.These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

1st : What's your name?

...*sin ying~

2nd : How old are you?

...*17++ gOing tO turn 18 lOr~^^

3rd : What are three electronics you can't live without?


4th : Are you amazing?
...*i guess no gua~

5th : What is the brand of the phone you are using?
...*Sony Ericsson~

6th : What coLour is your phone?

7th : Have you slept in school before?

8th : How long are you online in one day?

...*nOt suRe~

9th : How would you describe yourself?
...*i luv shOpPing~

10th : What's your favourite topic to talk about?

...*anytHings..but nOt sensiTivE isSuE~

11th : Which teacher do you like?
...*many O~

12th : Who do you think is the most handsome in your class?

...*i dunO~

13th : Who are you currently aiming on?
...*aiMing On wOrkinG n sTudYing lar~

14th : Do you know a lot of your sibling's secrets?

...*ya gUa~

15th : How do you rate your sibling?
...*he's thE OnLi bRothEr i haV...he's priceless~

16th : Is your sibling gorgeous?
...*wHicH asPecTs~

17th : Do you judge people?

18th : Do you run?

19th : Are you lazy to tag people?
...*nOt reaLi~

20th : Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

21st : What's 2 + 2?

22nd : Who's your idol?

...*JJ Lin~

23rd : Are you a monster?

...*Mr.A said so~

24th : Do you play with Barbie dolls?

25th : What was the last movie you watched?

...*MaDagascaR EscaPe tO AffriCa~

26th : What do you think about your English?


27th : What do you think about your Bahasa Malaysia?
...*OkiE okiE OnLi~

28th : Who do you hate?
...*haTe sumOne is rEaLi tiRing~

29th : Do you love yourself?
...*Of cOursE~

30th : Blurt out 5 random words

...*my biRthDay is cOming lOr~
...*x'mas cOming~
...*cNy cOming lOr~
...*i miss sUmOnE~
...*luv mY faMiLy~

**i waNna tAGged...:
...wai hOw
...jOO Li
...wEe haN

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